Sunday, March 1, 2020

French Vocabulary Related to Soccer and the World Cup

French Vocabulary Related to Soccer and the World Cup Whether you love playing soccer or just watching games like the World Cup,   learn some French soccer terms so you can talk about the sport. Note that in the U.S., football refers to  football amà ©ricain. In most of the rest of the world, football is what Americans call soccer. French Soccer Vocabulary In French,  le  football  means soccer in English, and le foot translates as football. These and related terms are vital to know if you want to talk knowledgeably about soccer in French. Le football, le foot   soccer, footballLa Coupe du monde, le Mondial   World CupLe match game, matchLa pà ©riode halfLa mi-temps   halftimeLe temps rà ©glementaire regular time (the standard 90-minute game)es arrà ªts de jeu stoppage timeLa prolongation overtime People and Players When talking about football in French, its important to learn the French terms related to the game of soccer. Une à ©quipe teamLes Bleus  Ã‚  the Blues - French soccer teamUn footballeu  Ã‚  soccer/football playerUn joueur  Ã‚  playerUn gardien de but, goal  Ã‚  goalieUn dà ©fenseur  Ã‚  defenderUn libero  Ã‚  sweeperUn ailier  Ã‚  wingerUn avant, attaquant  Ã‚  forwardUn buteur  Ã‚  strikerUn meneur de jeu  Ã‚  playmakerUn remplaà §ant  Ã‚  substituteUn entraineur  Ã‚  coachUn arbitre  Ã‚  refereeUn juge/arbitre de touche   line judge, assistant referee Plays and Penalties Understanding soccer in French means learning the terms for plays and penalties that are an inevitable part of soccer. Un but  Ã‚  goalUn but contre son camp  Ã‚  own goalLe carton jaune  Ã‚  yellow cardLe carton rouge  Ã‚  red cardUn caviar  Ã‚  perfect passDes contestations / protestations  Ã‚  dissentUn corner  Ã‚  corner kickun coup franc, coup de pied arrà ªtà ©Ã‚  Ã‚  free kickUn coup franc direct / indirect  Ã‚  direct / indirect kickUn coup de tà ªte  Ã‚  head buttUne faute  Ã‚  foulUne faute de main  Ã‚  hand ballUne feinte  Ã‚  fake outUn grand pont  Ã‚  kick/pass around a players legsHors-jeu  Ã‚  offsideUn match nul  Ã‚  tie game, drawLe mur  Ã‚  the wallUne passe  Ã‚  passUn pà ©nalty  Ã‚  penalty kickUn petit pont  Ã‚  nutmeg, between-the-legs passLe point de pà ©nalty  Ã‚  penalty spotUne remise en jeu, une touche  Ã‚  throw inUne simulation  Ã‚  dive (fake fall)Six mà ¨tres  Ã‚  goal kickSorti  Ã‚  out of boundsLa surface de but  Ã‚  6-yard boxLa surface de rà ©paration  Ã‚  penalty boxUn tacle  Ã‚  tackleNe tà ªte  Ã‚  h eaderLa volà ©e  Ã‚  volley Equipment Equipment is a key part of French soccer, as these terms demonstrate. Le stade  Ã‚  stadiumLe terrain de jeu  Ã‚  playing field, pitchLe milieu du terrain  Ã‚  midfieldLe ballon de foot  Ã‚  soccer ball, footballLes crampons  Ã‚  cleatsLe filet  Ã‚  goal netLe maillot  Ã‚  uniform, kitLe piquet de corner  Ã‚  corner flagLe protà ¨ge-tibia  Ã‚  shin guardLe sifflet  Ã‚  whistle Verbs Soccer is a game of action, so verbs- action words- are an important part of the game. Amortir  Ã‚  to trap, controlBà ©tonner  Ã‚  to put up a strong defenseContrà ´ler le ballon  Ã‚  to control the ballDà ©border  Ã‚  to get past an opponentDribbler  Ã‚  to dribbleÊtre en position de hors-jeu  Ã‚  to be offsideExpulser  Ã‚  to send offFaire du chiquà ©Ã‚  Ã‚  to (take a) diveFaire une passe  Ã‚  to pass (the ball)Faire une tà ªte  Ã‚  to head (the ball)Faucher  Ã‚  to bring downFeinter  Ã‚  to fakeJouer la ligne de hors-jeu, jouer le hors-jeu  Ã‚  to set an offside trapMarquer (un but)  Ã‚  to score (a goal)Mener  Ã‚  to lead, be winningSauver un but/penalty  Ã‚  to save a goal/penaltyTirer  Ã‚  to shoot, kick

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