Monday, October 7, 2019

History Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

History - Assignment Example The main action that Bismarck took to bring about the unification of Germany was to rev up nationalism in the various states and to seek war with France, which he felt would unify the Germanic people against an external enemy. He was proved correct in this. The southern German states were afraid of France and signed an alliance with Prussia The war and victory brought people together. He also goaded Austria into war. He also expanded the railway lines which brought states closer together. He also ignored the legislature and raised taxes which allowed for a bigger army. Cavour took similar action involving transport and also pursued conflicts which unified people. He raised taxes and revenues which allowed Piedmont to expand. War with Austria, which Cavour helped provoke, eventually led other Italian state to overthrow their government and work more closely with Piedmont, thereby helping to bring about unification. I.D. the following terms in paragraph format. Make sure you include AL L INFORMATION from the book: Do NOT just copy from the book. You must put these in your own words. (worth 10 points each) 1. Class struggle: Bourgeoisie & Proletariat In a Marxist view of class struggle there are two main classes. The bourgeoisie are the merchant middle class who have enough money to live comfortably. The Proletariat are the working class who are being exploited.

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