Thursday, October 31, 2019

Compare and contrast traditional Marxist approaches to international Essay

Compare and contrast traditional Marxist approaches to international relations with EITHER Neo-Gramscian OR Frankfurt School vie - Essay Example The essay will be structured as follows. In the first section, the basic assumption and specific views of orthodox Marxist theorists of the IR will be examined. It will be argued that orthodox Marxism proceeds from the notion of primacy of international economic relations over political processes in the world system of states, neglecting ideological dimensions of international system. The second section will be devoted to analysis of neo-Gramscian approach to the IR. The questions of neo-Gramscian view on interrelation between economic and social factors of the IR will be given due attention. Finally, in the third section which will represent a conclusion to the essay, the direct comparison between orthodox Marxism and neo-Gramscianism will be presented, with a view to proving the difference between these two schools of international political thought. 1. Orthodox Marxism as a Theory of International Relations Basic Assumptions of Orthodox Marxism The crux of orthodox Marxist approac h to the study of the IR lies in its assumption of primacy of economic and technological development over purely political processes, and of predominance of the struggle between different social classes over conflicts between political states (Linklater, 2005, p. 110). Unlike idealist and realist perspectives that centre on assumption of basically unchanging process of competition between self-interested individuals/political entities, a Marxian political analysis rests on the idea of historical specificity of social processes and of organic nature of social relations (Rupert, 2007b, p. 150). The Marxist theory implies the interconnection between productive forces as material bases for social production, and relations of production, which refer to the social relations between individuals, usually organized into classes, over the issues of production and distribution of social product. A Marxist perspective on the social processes proceeds from the idea of dialectic of â€Å"relatio ns in process† (Rupert, 2007b, p. 151), where the social subjects, or agents, are both dependent on social structures that set the framework for their actions and effect their maintenance and further development. In that way, social structures simultaneously determine the actions of social agents and are continuously altered by them (Rupert, 2007a, p. 36). In class society the nature of social agents is determined by their class nature, with capitalist social relations being preconditioned by the struggle between two socio-economic classes: the bourgeoisie (capitalist entrepreneurs) and the proletariat (propertyless wage workers). The View of International Relations in Orthodox Marxism Just as Marx and Engels viewed economic structure of specific societies as the factor defining the whole variety of its political, juridical and ideological forms (the former was regarded as â€Å"basis† of society, the latter as its â€Å"superstructure†), so they regarded the pro blems of the IR as the result of interactions of different economies controlled by national dominant classes, whose interests are represented politically by their state. According to Marx and Engels, as the existence of bourgeoisie as a class in capitalist society was predicated on

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Linguistic Art Of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay Example for Free

The Linguistic Art Of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay The most significant feature that I noticed, after the first glance of the novel of? The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn? ,(Mark Twain ,Penguin Books LTD,1985,ISBN0-14-243717-4), are the words, phrases and sentences structures used by Mark Twain. This is the first book that I have ever read, which all is written by colloquial languages, and sometimes even in misspelling words and dialects. These morphological and grammatical changes did cost extra time to understand, but they are also the most interesting feature caused most of my attention while reading it. So in this reading  response, I would like to analyze the language arts in the novel of ? The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn?. First, as the adventures carried on, the protagonist Huckleberry met a lot of different people with different back ground. And the writer used many dialects and slangs for those characters to make the descriptions much more real. Take the following part of Jim’s words as example, ‘Yo’ ole father doan’ know, yit, what he’s a-gwyne to do. Sometime she spec he’ll go ‘way, en den agin he spec he’ll stay. De bes’ way is to res’ easy en let de ole man take his own way. Dey’s two  angels hovein’ roun’ ’bout him. One uv’ ’em is white en shiny, en ’tother one is black. De white one gits him to go right, a little while, den de black one sail in en bust it all up. A body can’t tell, yit, which one gwyne to fetch him at de las’. But you is all right. You gwyne to have considable trouble in yo’ life, en considable joy. Sometimes you gwyne to git hirt, en sometimes you gwyne to git sick; but every time you’s gwyne to git well agin. Dey’s two gals flyin’ ’bout you in yo’ life. One uv ’em’s light en ’tother one is dark. One is rich en ’tother is po’. You’s gwyne to marry de po’ one fust en de  rich one by – en – by. You wants to keep ’way fum de water as much as you kin, en don’t run no resk, ’kase it’s down in de bill dat you’s gwyne to git hung. ’(27) As in this part, all over the words of Jim, your, away, best, round, about, them, the other, considerable, flying, poor are all shortened as yo’, ‘way, bes’, roun’, ‘bout, ‘em, ‘tother, considable, flyin’, po’ respectively, and old, yet, going, speak, then, there, get, hurt, girls, first, from, because are all reformed as ole, yit, gwyne, spec, den, dey, git, hirt, gals, fust, fum, ’kase respectively. These are  exact the features of black slangs, which is the most suitable words for Jim. Second, instead of describing a lot of feelings and atmosphere, Mark Twain just using verbs to lead readers into the sceneries. As the following part, ‘Then he turns and goes in. The crowd looked mighty sober; nobody stirred, and there warn’t no more laughing. Boggs rode off blackguarding Sherburn as loud as he could yell, all down the street; and pretty soon back he comes and stops before the store, still keeping it up. Some men crowded around him and tried to get him to shut up, but he wouldn’t; they told him it would be one o’clock in  about fifteen minutes, and so he must go home – he must go right away. ’(154) In the first sentence of this part, writer used simple present tense to place Huckleberry’s behavior in the spotlight, while used simple past tense to describe others to make them as the background of the main character. This little change in tense made readers feel much more easier to get the real feeling. And as the next example when Huckleberry found out there was someone else was talking on the island with him on his way of escaping, ‘I didnt wait, but shoved out and paddled away easy. I tied up in the old place, and reckoned I  would sleep in the canoe. ’(51) The usage of constant verbs gave the readers a direct experience of being spooked, which is much more real feeling than the description of Huckleberry’s feeling at that time. Third, there are a lot of informal contractions of grammar to fit for Huckleberry who is a thirteen years old boy without too much education. For example, ‘Well, Judge Thatcher, he took it and put it out at interest, and it fetched us a dollar a day apiece, all the year round. ’(page9) ‘But Tom Sawyer, he hunted me up and said he was going to start a band of robbers. ’(9) ‘The widow she cried over me, and called me a poor lost lamb, and she called me a lot of other names, too. ’(9) These sentences are all in a ‘ Noun + Personal Pronoun’, which is not formally grammatical, but suitable for Huckleberry. Other examples as, ‘She put me in them new clothes again, and I couldn’t do nothing but sweat and sweat, and feel all cramped up. ’(9~10) ‘Well, I couldn’t see no advantage in going where she was going, so I made up my mind I wouldn’t try for it. ’(11) These double negative sentences do not mean an affirmative way, but matchable ungrammatical words for a thirteen year little boy.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Impact of Colonization on Aboriginals | Alcoholism

Impact of Colonization on Aboriginals | Alcoholism Introduction The native tribes of Canada include the Inuit, The Metis and the First Nations. The term ‘First Nations is widely used to describe Canadian Aborigines who fall in neither of the above two groups. The Inuit comprises of indigenous people leaving in the colder regions of Canada, the Arctic, Russia, and Alaska in United States. The Metis people are the direct descendants of the mixed First Nations. The characteristics of their civilization included strict traditional networks and values, highly developed societal hierarchies, agricultural practice and permanent settlements. Aborigines and alcohol consumption Before their colonization by the Europeans, the Aboriginal people took alcoholic drinks made from various plants with relatively low alcoholic content. These included; alcoholic drinks made from the purple orchid tree and honey, pandas plant which would be soaked and pounded to make alcohol, mien cider gum, fermented honey, and the coconut. After the Europeans invasion, alcohol consumption patterns among the Aboriginals changed drastically. The Europeans brought trade. The Aborigines traded with fur for other essential commodities brought by the Europeans. As this trade developed, the Europeans started to use alcoholic drinks as a bargaining tool to soften the fur traders on their prices. â€Å"Alcohol was used as an inducement to participate, as a medium of exchange, and as a standard of competitive access.† (Smillie, Dec 16, 2009) The drinking patterns of the Aborigines commonly took the form of binging, spending whole days drinking. Women were also involved in excessive drinking and intoxication and this largely resulted in increased acts of violence and the eventual neglect of the children’s welfare. The women would engage in prostitution, which in turn affected childrearing and accelerated the birth rate of mixed race children who usually were abandoned by their European fathers. It is however instructive to note that alcohol consumption was later abolished, and the Aborigines largely abstained from it. This compliance to the abolition was, to a large extent a result of the lessons learned from the social problems it had created. Furthermore, even some of the trading partners requested that alcohol should not be made available to the band members. Impacts of alcohol consumption among the Aboriginals The following socio-economic impacts were normally associated with the Aboriginal people who consumed alcohol excessively; Let us take a look into Australia’s case, which bears great similarity to that in Canada, (this source was selected due of its readily available data and its similarities with Canada’s case) Violence: According to a new study that finds alcohol as the biggest risk factor (Sharp, April 9, 2010), indigenous people are up to 20 times more likely than the rest of the population to commit violent crime. According to a criminologist, most of the arrests made of indigenous people were due to minor physical assault, more than sexual abuse, and that these offenders were much more likely to repeat their actions on non-indigenous people. It was also found out that; a violent act against an indigenous person was most likely to be perpetrated by a fellow indigenous person, most likely f a family member. From the police data used, it was found that the apprehension figures for indigenous people were 20 times higher than those for the non-indigenous. These violent acts were found to have direct link to excessive consumption of alcohol. This reinforces an indigenous lawyer Noel Pearson’s view that alcohol consumption should have been tackled directly, through the formation of protective factors such as family links, coping skills and cultural resilience, rather than seen as a consequence of their past oppression by the colonialists (Sharp, April 9, 2010). Mortality: The indigenous people of Australia on average die earlier than their non-indigenous counterparts. This is partly attributable to excessive consumption of alcohol. It is estimated that 7% of these deaths, are as a direct result of alcoholism. The Steering Committee for the Review of Government Service Provision also estimated that alcohol related deaths among these peoples were 5 – 20 times more than among their non-indigenous counterparts in WA, NT and SA. Self-inflicted injuries such as suicides are also high among these people, and alcohol has also been deemed to contribute a considerable percentage of these; with 40% and 30% of the male and female population respectively falling victim. Between 2000– 2004, the figures for the males and females who died from alcohol related suicides were 159 and 27 respectively, compared to the non-indigenous Australians whose figures were 123 and 27 respectively. This is a major source of concern given that the indigenous people comprise of only 3% of the entire Australian population (Wilson, 2010). Social breakdown: excessive consumption of alcohol has also been blamed for most social and emotional breakdowns. For example, Tyson and colleagues found that of the 4% of females and 9% of males with an alcohol use disorder in the general Australian population, 48% and 34% respectively, also met the criteria for anxiety, affective or drug use disorder. While there appears not to be any directly comparable studies for Indigenous Australians, it is likely that comorbid conditions occur more frequently among this population. To date, most of these indigenous people, both male and female, have been hospitalized for mental disorders associated with alcohol use, whose figures are 3-4 times higher than those of the non-indigenous population (Wilson, 2010). Other impacts of alcohol among the Aboriginals include; theft and crime, accidents and deaths, unemployment, community breakdown and fetal alcohol syndrome, all of which are high among these people compared to the rest of the non-indigenous population. Other problems that affected the Aboriginals The Indian Act of Canada â€Å"Indian Act of Canada, law designed to integrate Indians in Canada into the mainstream economy and culture (Indian Act of Canada, n.d).† This act was introduced in 1876, which allowed the Canadian government to have total control over the lifestyle of all Indians and their mode of interactions with the non-Indians. It was also given the power to look after the lands, education and health of these people. In 1951, the government agreed to abolish the existing Act and introduce a new one, after revelations of the suffering caused to the Indians came to the limelight occasioning a public uproar. However, despite the drastic measures taken, not all power was removed from the hands of the government, thus resulting in impacts different from what was anticipated. This further led to isolation of the Indians from the rest population. How the Act was passed; the establishment of Canada as a confederate state took place in 1867. It was done under a constitutional Act that gave it massive power over the lives of the Aboriginal people, including their property and lands. This was followed by the formation of many Aboriginal-related laws in the following years. By 1876, these laws were so many, that for ease of interpretation and implementation, the government decided to consolidate all of them to a single Act, known as the Indian Act. This Act gave definition on who was and was not Indian, basing lifestyle as its selection criteria. Thus it was the government’s prerogative to decide on who was and was not an Aboriginal Indian. The act stated the rights and protections the Indians were subject to, which included; fishing, hunting, education and healthcare which were state funded. The Indians were also protected from land grabbing by the white settlers and the non-Indians, but were denied the opportunity to govern themselves and to acquire Canadian citizenship. Thus, they could not participate in public functions such as voting in federal elections, business and commerce, land ownership, consumption of alcohol, and freedom of movement from their reserves without government permission. Despite its apparent segregation, the Act aimed at assimilating the Indians into the European lifestyle, giving guidelines which if any Indian could meet, he or she would be rewarded with Canadian citizenship. The reformation of the Act: The Act was later reformed in 1956 after World War II, which had proved that the Indian men were equally good soldiers in the battle field, an indication of their unwavering service to the Canadian Army. Further, the release of a federal report that exposed the extreme poverty levels of the Indian community caused a public uproar that led the government to revise the Act in 1951. The level of power and control of the federal agents was reduced, and the Indian people were given some level of self-governance. They were also allowed to consume alcohol, move out of their reserves without government permission and participate in any business activity. Further amendment saw the Indians allowed to vote by 1962. By 1985, they were not forced to reveal their identity in any circumstance, and by 1990 the Indians had gained more ground on self-governance. Residential schools In the early 1980s, the Canadian Federal government tried hard to convince the Aboriginals that they needed schools in order to become important and productive individuals in the society. This was as a result of the government’s deep rooted belief that it was its responsibility to take care of the Aboriginals and educate them. The government believed that the only chance at success lay in the natives’ learning English and therefore adopting the European way of life. They had to learn the Canadian customs as well as convert to Christianity. This adopted lifestyle would be passed down to their children and grandchildren, and the primitive native traditions would disappear in a few generations. Thus the Canadian Federal government developed an attitude of aggression towards its assimilation policy by ensuring it was preached in churches and taught in the government schools, which were later transformed into residential schools. The boarding school programs were initiated b ecause it was felt that it would be easy to convert and shape children than adults under similar circumstances, in preparation for them to join the mainstream societal lifestyle. These schools ; residential schools, were government funded and placed under the care of the Department of Indian affairs which oversaw the running of its daily activities including the learning exercises for its Aboriginal students. Attendance to these schools was made mandatory and thus the government employed agents to enforce these orders. â€Å"Initially, about 1,100 students attended 69 schools across the country. In 1931, at the peak of the residential school system, there were about 80 schools operating in Canada (Residential Schools: A History of Residential Schools in Canada, May 16, 2008).† At the time of closing of these schools in 1996, there were about a total of 130 schools in each province and a total of about 150,000 children of Aboriginal descent who had been forcefully removed from their communities to attend these schools. The major problem in these schools was that, right from their conception, the Aboriginal culture was considered inferior, and that with it, they would totally be unable to modernize and therefore adapt to the developed society. Therefore, there was a strong believe that children would bridge this gap should they shun that ‘primitive’ lifestyle and get exposure to developed society. That they would learn and accustom themselves to these new changes, by conversion to Christianity and speaking of English or French. These students were thus discouraged from using their first language as a medium of communication, or practicing any traditions. The living conditions in these schools were substandard and students were subjected to constant bullying and sexual harassment. Children would stay away from their parents for more than 10 months, and correspondence from the children was done in English which their parents didn’t understand. When children finally would go home, they found it difficult to fit in and therefore became ashamed of their native heritage. Further, the education and training received was minimal meaning that they could not survive in an urban setting. Thus, the objectives of these programs meant devastation to these children. This resulted in opposition, demonstrations and formation of commission of inquiries that investigated the matter. This later culminated to government agreeing to abolish the system and compensate its victims in 2007, where $1.9 billion was initially set aside as compensation package. Community based intervention A case scenario is presented here below, that shows how a combination of the above stated problems resulted to an increase in alcohol consumption, which thus led to moral degradation of a community, and how the problem was eventually solved. Let’s consider a case study of the Alkali lake community story. According to the elders, there was no alcohol drinking before 1940 on the reserve. But â€Å"just before World War II, a general store and trading post was set up at Alkali Lake by a European immigrant to the area. The people brought their furs to the store and received cash or merchandise, such as food staples, in exchange† (The Alkali Lake Community Story, n.d). The traders then introduced alcohol to soften them during negotiations. Once it entered the community, there was gradually shift in the health of the people, as many fell sick. Other pressures started mounting also as a result of the residential school system that saw many children sent away from their homes. These children would grow far away from their parents and family lifestyle, forced to abandon their first language for English or French. They were also taught that they cultures were ‘primitive’ compared to those of the Europeans, and therefore they had no choice but to leave them. Their conversion to Christianity was also made mandatory against their spiritual believes. These led to the Alkali people believing that unless they are converted into white race, they were of no good to the society. These beliefs were demonstrated in every facet of life, even to their subconscious level. Another major blow of these residential schools was the introduction of massive bullying that often accompanied both physical and emotional torture, and the wide spread sexual abuse of the students. When these students later returned home after months of schooling to start their own lives, they could not fit in because they had not been taught their traditional family values and virtues, and because they themselves had not been parented, they found it hard to grasp the concept of parenting and family life in general. Hence these people were more vulnerable to over consumption of alcohol which they did without control, making them violent and committed to more crimes. In 1965-1985, life in this society was unbearable. It was the height of all negative impacts of life pressures coupled with overconsumption of alcohol. â€Å"As one prominent community member put, We had become what others called us: the Indians of Alcohol Lake. Most of the people were so immersed in this reality that they were unable to see any other possibility for themselves. As another young man put it, I thought that was how Indians lived (The Alkali Lake Community Story, n.d). Economically, all the money received from the government as social assistance, was wasted on alcohol, and hence stores selling alcohol made tremendous profits from this region. Illegal selling of alcohol was also wide spread. It was accessible to underage children so long as they had money. Despite their social degradation, these people were willing to stop alcohol consumption and begin a new life of prosperity. This, however did not happen until in 1972 when a new chief by the name of Andy Chelsea was elected. A story is told of Andy’s daughter, Ivy Chelsea who refused to live with her mother until she quit drinking. Her mother, on hearing that, promised to quit. She went back home and poured all liquor on the floor. Four days later, the father also quit, thus becoming the first two non-alcoholic drinkers in the Alkali community. The following seven years, other people also quit and joined Andy and his wife Phyllis, in an effort to bring some sanity within the community. The community desire to quit its consumption saw Andy elected as the chief of the Alkali community in 1972. Solution to alcohol problem: As a chief, Andy took various steps including; banning the sale of alcohol in the community. He then thus refused entry of the Dog Creek Stage who was the main distributor of alcohol in the community, bringing it three times a week. He ensured that the sale of alcohol to minors was stopped. He called the RCMP who used marked bills to track these sellers, and ensured that they were arrested and their businesses put out. He also oversaw their severe punishment, which acted as a warning to others who thought of venturing into similar business. A voucher system was introduced that saw people with drinking disorder not allowed carrying cash but, their money converted to vouchers that were exchanged for food and other basic needs in the stores. Those who were caught committing crimes, both violent and non-violent under the influence of alcohol were given choice to book treatment or face a jail term. Since many people feared imprisonment, they chose treatment. Andy also sort help from the church to help eradicate alcohol consumption by approaching a priest of the Catholic Church. As it turned out, the priest was also an alcohol addict, and was actively fanning opposition against the chief. In light of those revelations, he was expelled from the community. At first, these measures were met with extreme opposition coupled with great anger and hostility from many community members. But by 1975, 40% of the community’s population had been set free from alcohol consumption and by 1979, 98% of the Alkali people were clean and sober. Conclusion The combinations of excessive consumption alcohol and the unfair Acts, instituted by the government, contributed greatly to the social ills that afflicted the Aboriginal communities. But through strict discipline, as indicated in the case study, it was possible to overcome the alcohol consumption problem, and through revision of the Acts by the parliament, the Aboriginal livelihoods have since improved. 1 Merce Cunningham: Symbolism in Dance Merce Cunningham: Symbolism in Dance Merce Cunningham is one of the pioneers in the field of dance and choreography. He had been a mentor to most of the choreographers who have now become major names in modern times. In addition, there are certain body movements and symbolism in his dancing techniques that make him a distinctive pioneer in choreography; also, there are numerous choreographic pieces by Merce Cunningham that are still being imitated by many choreographers of our present time. Most importantly, I have analyzed the dancing techniques, music, costumes, and movements in certain dancing pieces by Merce Cunningham. The choreographic pieces that I have analyzed for this purpose are Changing Steps, Deli Commedia, and Beach Birds for Camera. The choreography piece Changing Steps profoundly reflects the true geometrical dancing manner of Merce Cunningham. As per my analysis, Merce Cunningham had made use of steps and body gestures in the form of dance to reflect movement. I observed that Merce Cunningham has been successful in highlighting that subtle and weightless footwork has been used to form the dancers movement. Moreover, when the dancers change their body gestures quickly, that left an impression of light weighted foot stepping. Additionally, I have also observed that in order to create extensions to the movements of the body, special focus has been made on certain movements, such as the physical contact among the dancers during the sequence (Merce Cunnigham Dance Company). In my view, the highlight of the dance sequence is that it is another successful collaboration of music and choreography by John Cage and Merce Cunningham respectively. The work done by the cooperation of both invites the spectators to experience something that has never been focused on before; which is the way the collaboration had presented joy and freedom through the context of the dancing steps of the dancers. I believe that the collaboration of John Cage and Cunningham is the success factor as the dancing language of Cunningham is independent, but somehow John Cages music is irreplaceable. I also think that John Cages music in the dancing piece works as a catalyst. In addition, I would also like to mention that the wider acclaim to the dance sequence Changing Steps is increased because of the three-dimensional gesture stepping. Three-dimensional gesture stepping means that three dancers collaborate and make body movements that together make up a three-dimensional posture (Copela nd). Furthermore, the costumes used in the choreography sequence have been designed by Mark Lancaster. The colors of the costumes are single toned and darker colors. The costumes in the three-dimensional stepping had been used in a way that two of the dancers wear the same colored costume while the third dancer wears another color (Merce Cunnigham Dance Company). My experience with the dance sequence Changing Steps has been full of delight. The dance sequence greatly reflects an entirely new idea and form of dance. The usage of the title perfectly suits the dancing sequence, and as viewed in the sequence, changing in steps has been quite swift, thus, the title also elaborates the same idea. Also, the flow of stepping in the dance sequence of Changing Steps is so powerful that the spectator would feel that he or she is actually dancing with the dancers. I observed that in the beginning of the dance sequence the choreography has been done in a way that makes a rectangular box and further forms a curved structure of stepping and to me, the setting appeared to be something that I did not expect in a dance. In addition, I think that the union of dancers after every three-dimensional stepping of feet appeared to be amazingly active and fresh. Moving on to another great piece by Merce Cunningham entitled Deli Commedia. Deli Commedia is another accurately choreographed piece that represents the legacy of his contributions to the dance. He contributed in the field of dance by introducing the concept of geometry in his dance sequences. For instance, I have observed the concepts of geometry when one dancer stood perpendicularly while other dancers made curves through molding their bodies into an arch-like structure. Moreover, the costumes which have been used in the dance sequence were rather colorful, which exactly matched the theme of the stage. The usage of colors such as blue, yellow, green, magenta etc. is catchy which creates a distinction every time a new fragmentation is made while dancing. Deli Commedia reflects the collaboration of the musician, John Cage as the music played during the sequence holds beats in a synthesized manner (Ib50ib50 Channel). Deli Commedia managed to impress me as the dance sequence was filled with fragmentation and quick body movements, and I also liked the colorful costumes of the dancers which made use of the stage distinctively. Last but not least, the choreography sequence of Beach Birds for Camera illustrates the movement of coastal areas. The inspiration that I got from such a dance piece is freedom because the stepping of the feet and hand gestures are more bird-like movements. Birds usually symbolize freedom and the basic intrigue that one would get by applying the dancing gestures as in Beach Birds for Camera explains the Eastern dance themes. I also noticed that the theme of Eastern dance is evident from Cunninghams dance sequence because Eastern dancers perform in a way that is apparently similar to that of dancers of Beach Birds. Most of the Eastern dances are especially choreographed in outdoor locations reflecting nature (Copeland). The idea of stepping that illustrates the scenario of beach birds gives a joyful awakening in the field of the dance. Beach Birds for Camera is another victorious teamwork between Merce Cunningham and John Cage. According to my perspective, the music and choreography h ad complimented the theme of the ocean as the dancers use fragments imitating the effect of water, also the music of the dance sequence sounds like rain drops, or drops of water (Ib50ib50 Channel). If I compare Beach Birds for Camera and other dance sequences by Merce Cunningham, I have observed here that the fragmentation is used lesser in this sequence, and the layering of the body gestures is most prominent, which is something that I have liked, and what I mean about the layering of the body gestures is in terms of the postures the dancers take where they come in contact with other dancers through leg touch, or back touch. Also, the change in directions is more obvious than in any other dance sequence making the spectators navigate towards the dancing steps more (Merce Cunningham Dance). Moreover, the costumes designed by Marsha Skinner are according to the theme of the dance sequence. The costumes are especially made black and white in order to reflect the color of coastal birds; also, the use of black and white enhances the body gestures used in the fragmentation manner (Daly). I believe that costumes greatly suited the main theme of the dance sequence. Through my analysis of the three dance sequences by the collaboration of Merce Cunningham, the choreographer, and John Cage, the musician, it comes to my understanding that the field of dance had been made wide because of the legendary collaboration. In addition, being a spectator of such dance sequences helped me observe the development that has taken place in terms of the dance. I would also say that the development which had taken place in dancing by the advent of geometrical dance sequences by Merce Cunningham in 1956; also, making Merce Cunningham a legendary figure in making use of fragmentation, body gestures in a layering manner, and foot stepping. Overall, my experience of watching dance sequence by Merce Cunningham was joyful and thoroughly entertaining.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Essay --

INTRODUCTION This case study is focused on the Shodhan House by Corbusier. Le Corbusier proved himself to be proficient in many areas. He had ambitious plans to create whole communities in his designs. He was even called the father of international style. As his style evolved, so did his buildings. The Shodhan House is an example of his purist design. There were many factors that contributed to the design of the Shodhan House, and many things had to be taken into consideration. Firstly, since the building was located in India, there were many considerations regarding weather that had to be taken into account. The owners wanted to stand out among their neighbours with an opulent design. Corbusier worked with this challenge by creating a double height ceiling and mezzanine which were design elements in many of the buildings in the area, but also exhibited the opulence of the owners. Corbusier made this building unique, but used elements common in many of his modernist designs. A flat roof (with ga rden), a parasol (to shade from the sun), an open facade, and the piers elevating the floor, and a ribbon window. These were the elements used in many of his designs and others. The main idea of the plan was to address the problem of glaring sunlight in the location of Ahmedabad. There were also considerations taken for the wind, climate and culture of the people in India. This is an example of regionalism in design. The structure of the design was centred around the iterations of the roof. Corbusier wanted the plan to be open more than anything else, and the structure was reiterated many times to achieve this. The structure of the building itself is very grid based. The structure was skeletal, allowing for changes to be made easily ... ...f the brise-soleiol on the faades and of the roof parasol, and moreover, in the hanging gardens swept by an orchestration of beneficent air currents. This plan recalls the ingenuity of the Villa Savoye of 1929-1930 at Poissy, placed here in a tropical and Indian setting." The designs of Le Corbusier revolutionized what people see as modern architecture and the Shodan House is a prime example. Often modern architecture is associated with a vast array of windows, many linear forms and post and beam architecture, all of which are present in this design. The geometrical shape of the Shodan House in conjunction with the lines created from the windows form an example of what is now regarded as modern architecture.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Foundation and Empire 19. Start Of The Search

The lonely planet, Haven – only planet of an only sun of a Galactic Sector that trailed raggedly off into intergalactic vacuum – was under siege. In a strictly military sense, it was certainly under siege, since no area of space on the Galactic side further than twenty parsecs distance was outside range of the Mule's advance bases. In the four months since the shattering fall of the Foundation, Haven's communications had fallen apart like a spiderweb under the razor's edge. The ships of Haven converged inwards upon the home world, and only Haven itself was now a fighting base. And in other respects, the siege was even closer; for the shrouds of helplessness and doom had already invaded Bayta plodded her way down the pink-waved aisle past the rows of milky plastic-topped tables and found her seat by blind reckoning. She eased on to the high, armless chair, answered half-heard greetings mechanically, rubbed a wearily-itching eye with the back of a weary hand, and reached for her menu. She had time to register a violent mental reaction of distaste to the pronounced presence of various cultured-fungus dishes, which were considered high delicacies at Haven, and which her Foundation taste found highly inedible – and then she was aware of the sobbing near her and looked up. Until then, her notice of Juddee, the plain, snub-nosed, indifferent blonde at the dining unit diagonally across had been the superficial one of the nonacquaintance. And now Juddee was crying, biting woefully at a moist handkerchief, and choking back sobs until her complexion was blotched with turgid red. Her shapeless radiation-proof costume was thrown back upon her shoulders, and her transparent face shield had tumbled forward into her dessert, and there remained. Bayta joined the three girls who were taking turns at the eternally applied and eternally inefficacious remedies of shoulder-patting, hair-smoothing, and incoherent murmuring. â€Å"What's the matter?† she whispered. One turned to her and shrugged a discreet, â€Å"I don't know.† Then, feeling the inadequacy of the gesture, she pulled Bayta aside. â€Å"She's had a hard day, I guess. And she's worrying about her husband.† â€Å"Is he on space patrol?† â€Å"Yes†. Bayta reached a friendly hand out to Juddee. â€Å"Why don't you go home, Juddee?† Her voice was a cheerfully businesslike intrusion on the soft, flabby inanities that had preceded. Juddee looked up half in resentment. â€Å"I've been out once this week already-â€Å" â€Å"Then you'll be out twice. If you try to stay on, you know, you'll just be out three days next week – so going home now amounts to patriotism. Any of you girls work in her department? Well, then, suppose you take care of her card. Better go to the washroom first, Juddee, and get the peaches and cream back where it belongs. Go ahead! Shoo!† Bayta returned to her seat and took up the menu again with a dismal relief. These moods were contagious. One weeping girl would have her entire department in a frenzy these nerve-torn days. She made a distasteful decision, pressed the correct buttons at her elbow and put the menu back into its niche. The tall, dark girl opposite her was saying, â€Å"Isn't much any of us can do except cry, is there?† Her amazingly full lips scarcely moved, and Bayta noticed that their ends were carefully touched to exhibit that artificial, just-so half-smile that was the current last word in sophistication. Bayta investigated the insinuating thrust contained in the words with lashed eyes and welcomed the diversion of the arrival of her lunch, as the tile-top of her unit moved inward and the food lifted. She tore the wrappings carefully off her cutlery and handled them gingerly till they cooled. She said, â€Å"Can't you think of anything else to do, Hella?† â€Å"Oh, yes,† said Hella. â€Å"I can!† She flicked her cigarette with a casual and expert finger-motion into the little recess provided and the tiny flash caught it before it hit shallow bottom. â€Å"For instance,† and Hella clasped slender, well-kept hands under her chin, â€Å"I think we could make a very nice arrangement with the Mule and stop all this nonsense. But then I don't have the†¦ uh†¦ facilities to manage to get out of places quickly when the Mule takes over.† Bayta's clear forehead remained clear. Her voice was light and indifferent. â€Å"You don't happen to have a brother or husband in the fighting ships, do you?† â€Å"No. All the more credit that I see no reason for the sacrifice of the brothers and husbands of others.† â€Å"The sacrifice will come the more surely for surrender.† â€Å"The Foundation surrendered and is at peace. Our men are away and the Galaxy is against us.† Bayta shrugged, and said sweetly, â€Å"I'm afraid it is the first of the pair that bothers you.† She returned to her vegetable platter and ate it with the clammy realization of the silence about her. No one in ear-shot had cared to answer Hella's cynicism. She left quickly, after stabbing at the button which cleared her dining unit for the next shift's occupant. A new girl, three seats away, stage-whispered to Hella, â€Å"Who was she?† Hella's mobile lips curled in indifference. â€Å"She's our coordinator's niece. Didn't you know that?† â€Å"Yes?† Her eyes sought out the last glimpse of disappearing back. â€Å"What's she doing here?† â€Å"Just an assembly girl. Don't you know it's fashionable to be patriotic? It's all so democratic, it makes me retch.† â€Å"Now, Hella,† said the plump girl to her right. â€Å"She's never pulled her uncle on us yet. Why don't you lay off?† Hella ignored her neighbor with a glazed sweep of eyes and lit another cigarette. The new girl was listening to the chatter of the bright-eyed accountant opposite. The words were coming quickly, â€Å"-and she's supposed to have been in the Vault – actually in the Vault, you know – when Seldon spoke – and they say the mayor was in frothing furies and there were riots, and all of that sort of thing, you know. She got away before the Mule landed, and they say she had the most tha-rilling escape – had to go through the blockade, and all – and I do wonder she doesn't write a book about it, these war books being so popular these days, you know. And she was supposed to be on this world of the Mule's, too – Kalgan, you know – and-â€Å" The time bell shrilled and the dining room emptied slowly. The accountant's voice buzzed on, and the new girl interrupted only with the conventional and wide-eyed, â€Å"Really-y-y-y?† at appropriate points. The huge cave lights were being shielded group-wise in the gradual descent towards the darkness that meant sleep for the righteous and hard-working, when Bayta returned home. Toran met her at the door, with a slice of buttered bread in his hand. â€Å"Where've you been?† he asked, food-muffled. Then, more clearly, â€Å"I've got a dinner of sorts rassled up. If it isn't much, don't blame me.† But she was circling him, wide-eyed. â€Å"Torie! Where's your uniform? What are you doing in civvies?† â€Å"Orders, Bay. Randu is holed up with Ebling Mis right now, and what it's all about, I don't know. So there you have everything.† â€Å"Am I going?† She moved towards him impulsively. He kissed her before he answered, â€Å"I believe so. It will probably be dangerous.† â€Å"What isn't dangerous?† â€Å"Exactly. Oh, yes, and I've already sent for Magnifico, so he's probably coming too.† â€Å"You mean his concert at the Engine Factory will have to be cancelled.† â€Å"Obviously.† Bayta passed into the next room and sat down to a meal that definitely bore signs of having been â€Å"rassled-up.† She cut the sandwiches in two with quick efficiency and said: â€Å"That's too bad about the concert. The girls at the factory were looking forward to it. Magnifico, too, for that matter.† She shook her head. â€Å"He's such a queer thing.† â€Å"Stirs your mother-complex, Bay, that's what he does. Some day we'll have a baby, and then you'll forget Magnifico.† ‘Bayta answered from the depths of her sandwich, â€Å"Strikes me that you're all the stirring my mother-complex can stand.† And then she laid the sandwich down, and was gravely serious in a moment. â€Å"Torie.† â€Å"M-m-m?† â€Å"Torie, I was at City Hall today – at the Bureau of Production. That is why I was so late today.† â€Å"What were you doing there?† â€Å"Well†¦Ã¢â‚¬  she hesitated, uncertainly. â€Å"It's been building up. I was getting so I couldn't stand it at the factory. Morale just doesn't exist. The girls go on crying jags for no particular reason. Those who don't get sick become sullen. Even the little mousie types pout. In my particular section, production isn't a quarter what it was when I came, and there isn't a day that we have a full roster of workers.† â€Å"All right,† said Toran, â€Å"tie in the B. of P. What did you do there?† â€Å"Asked a few questions. And it's so, Torie, it's so all over Haven. Dropping production, increasing sedition and disaffection. The bureau chief just shrugged his shoulders – after I had sat in the anteroom an hour to see him, and only got in because I was the co-ordinator's niece – and said it was beyond him. Frankly, I don't think he cared.† â€Å"Now, don't go off base, Bay.† â€Å"I don't think he did.† She was strenuously fiery. â€Å"I tell you there's something wrong. It's that same horrible frustration that hit me in the Time Vault when Seldon deserted us. You felt it yourself.† â€Å"Yes, I did.† â€Å"Well, it's back,† she continued savagely. â€Å"And we'll never be able to resist the Mule. Even if we had the material, we lack the heart, the spirit, the will – Torie, there's no use fighting-â€Å" Bayta had never cried in Toran's memory, and she did not cry now. Not really. But Toran laid a light hand on her shoulder and whispered, â€Å"Suppose you forget it, baby. I know what you mean. But there's nothing-â€Å" â€Å"Yes, there's nothing we can do! Everyone says that – and we just sit and wait for the knife to come down.† She returned to what was left of her sandwich and tea. Quietly, Toran was arranging the beds. It was quite dark outside. Randu, as newly-appointed co-ordinator – in itself a wartime post – of the confederation of cities on Haven, had been assigned, at his own request, to an upper room, out of the window of which he could brood over the roof tops and greenery of the city. Now, in the fading of the cave lights, the city receded into the level lack of distinction of the shades. Randu did not care to meditate upon the symbolism. He said to Ebling Mis – whose clear, little eyes seemed to have no further interest than the red-filled goblet in his hand – â€Å"There's a saying on Haven that when the cave lights go out, it is time for the righteous and hard-working to sleep.† â€Å"Do you sleep much lately?† â€Å"No! Sorry to call you so late, Mis. I like the night better somehow these days. Isn't that strange? The people on Haven condition themselves pretty strictly on the lack of light meaning sleep. Myself, too. But it's different now-â€Å" â€Å"You're hiding,† said Mis, flatly. â€Å"You're surrounded by people in the waking period, and you feel their eyes and their hopes on you. You can't stand up under it. In the sleep period, you're free.† â€Å"Do you feel it, too, then? This miserable sense of defeat?† Ebling Mis nodded slowly, â€Å"I do. It's a mass psychosis, an unprintable mob panic. â€Å"Ga-LAX-y, Randu, what do you expect? Here you have a whole culture brought up to a blind, blubbering belief that a folk hero of the past has everything all planned out and is taking care of every little piece of their unprintable lives. The thought-pattern evoked has religious characteristics, and you know what that means.† â€Å"Not a bit.† Mis was not enthusiastic about the necessity of explanation. He never was. So he growled, stared at the long cigar he rolled thoughtfully between his fingers and said, â€Å"Characterized by strong faith reactions. Beliefs can't be shaken short of a major shock, in which case, a fairly complete mental disruption results. Mild cases-hysteria, morbid sense of insecurity. Advanced cases – madness and suicide.† Randu bit at a thumbnail. â€Å"When Seldon fails us, in other words, our prop disappears, and we've been leaning upon it so long, our muscles are atrophied to where we can not stand without it.† â€Å"That's it. Sort of a clumsy metaphor, but that's it.† â€Å"And you, Ebling, what of your own muscles?† The psychologist filtered a long draught of air through his cigar, and let the smoke laze out. â€Å"Rusty, but not atrophied. My profession has resulted in just a bit of independent thinking.† â€Å"And you see a way out?† â€Å"No, but there must be one. Maybe Seldon made no provisions for the Mule. Maybe he didn't guarantee our victory. But, then, neither did he guarantee defeat. He's just out of the game and we're on our own. The Mule can be licked.† â€Å"How?† â€Å"By the only way anyone can be licked – by attacking in strength at weakness. See here, Randu, the Mule isn't a superman. If he is finally defeated, everyone will see that for himself. It's just that he's an unknown, and the legends cluster quickly. He's supposed to be a mutant. Well, what of that? A mutant means a ‘superman' to the ignoramuses of humanity. Nothing of the sort. â€Å"It's been estimated that several million mutants are born in the Galaxy every day. Of the several million, all but one or two percent can be detected only by means of microscopes and chemistry. Of the one or two percent macromutants, that is, those with mutations detectable to the naked eye or naked mind, all but one or two percent are freaks, fit for the amusement centers, the laboratories, and death. Of the few macromutants whose differences are to the good, almost all are harmless curiosities, unusual in some single respect, normal – and often subnormal – in most others. You see that, Randu?† â€Å"I do. But what of the Mule?† â€Å"Supposing the Mule to be a mutant then, we can assume that he has some attribute, undoubtedly mental, which can be used to conquer worlds. In other respects, he undoubtedly has his shortcomings, which we must locate. He would not be so secretive, so shy of others' eyes, if these shortcomings were not apparent and fatal. If he's a mutant.† â€Å"Is there an alternative?† â€Å"There might be. Evidence for mutation rests on Captain Han Pritcher of what used to be Foundation's Intelligence. He drew his conclusions from the feeble memories of those who claimed to know the Mule-or somebody who might have been the Mule – in infancy and early childhood. Pritcher worked on slim pickings there, and what evidence he found might easily have been planted by the Mule for his own purposes, for it's certain that the Mule has been vastly aided by his reputation as a mutant-superman.† â€Å"This is interesting. How long have you thought that?† â€Å"I never thought that, in the sense of believing it. It is merely an alternative to be considered. For instance, Randu, suppose the Mule has discovered a form of radiation capable of depressing mental energy just as he is in possession of one which depresses nuclear reactions. What then, eh? Could that explain what's hitting us now – and what did hit the Foundation?† Randu seemed immersed in a near-wordless gloom. He said, â€Å"What of your own researches on the Mule's clown.† And now Ebling Mis hesitated. â€Å"Useless as yet. I spoke bravely to the mayor previous to the Foundation's collapse, mainly to keep his courage up – partly to keep my own up as well. But, Randu, if my mathematical tools were up to it, then from the clown alone I could analyze the Mule completely. Then we would have him. Then we could solve the queer anomalies that have impressed me already.† â€Å"Such as?† â€Å"Think, man. The Mule defeated the navies of the Foundation at will, but he has not once managed to force the much weaker fleets of the Independent Traders to retreat in open combat. The Foundation fell at a blow; the Independent Traders hold out against all his strength. He first used Extinguishing Field upon the nuclear weapons of the Independent Traders of Mnemon. The element of surprise lost them that battle but they countered the Field. He was never able to use it successfully against the Independents again. â€Å"But over and over again, it worked against Foundation forces. It worked on the Foundation itself. Why? With our present knowledge, it is all illogical. So there must be factors of which we are not aware.† â€Å"Treachery?† â€Å"That's rattle-pated nonsense, Randu. Unprintable twaddle. There wasn't a man on the Foundation who wasn't sure of victory. Who would betray a certain-to-win side.† Randu stepped to the curved window and stared unseeingly out into the unseeable. He said, â€Å"But we're certain to lose now, if the Mule had a thousand weaknesses; if he were a network of holes-â€Å" He did not turn. It was as if the slump of his back, the nervous groping for one another of the hands behind him that spoke. He said, â€Å"We escaped easily after the Time Vault episode, Ebling. Others might have escaped as well. A few did. Most did not. The Extinguishing Field could have been counteracted. It asked ingenuity and a certain amount of labor. All the ships of the Foundation Navy could have flown to Haven or other nearby planets to continue the fight as we did. Not one percent did so. In effect, they deserted to the enemy. â€Å"The Foundation underground, upon which most people here seem to rely so heavily, has thus far done nothing of consequence. The Mule has been politic enough to promise to safeguard the property and profits of the great Traders and they have gone over to him.† Ebling Mis said stubbornly, â€Å"The plutocrats have always been against us.† â€Å"They always held the power, too. Listen, Ebling. We have reason to believe that the Mule or his tools have already been in contact with powerful men among the Independent Traders. At least ten of the twenty-seven Trading Worlds are known to have gone over to the Mule. Perhaps ten more waver. There are personalities on Haven itself who would not be unhappy over the Mule's domination. It's apparently an insurmountable temptation to give up endangered political power, if that will maintain your hold over economic affairs. â€Å" â€Å"You don't think Haven can fight the Mule?† â€Å"I don't think Haven will.† And now Randu turned his troubled face full upon the psychologist. â€Å"I think Haven is waiting to surrender. It's what I called you here to tell you. I want you to leave Haven.† Ebling Mis puffed up his plump checks in amazement. â€Å"Already?† Randu felt horribly tired. â€Å"Ebling, you are the Foundation's greatest psychologist. The real master-psychologists went out with Seldon, but you're the best we have. You're our only chance of defeating the Mule. You can't do that here; you'll have to go to what's left of the Empire.† â€Å"To Trantor?† â€Å"That's right. What was once the Empire is bare bones today, but something must still be at the center. They've got the records there, Ebling. You may learn more of mathematical psychology; perhaps enough to be able to interpret the clown's mind. He will go with you, of course.† Mis responded dryly, â€Å"I doubt if he'd be willing to, even for fear of the Mule, unless your niece went with him.† â€Å"I know that. Toran and Bayta are leaving with you for that very reason. And, Ebling, there's another, greater purpose. Hari Seldon founded two Foundations three centuries ago; one at each end of the Galaxy. You must find that Second Foundation.†

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Macbeth As A Machiavellian Man Essays - Characters In Macbeth

Macbeth As A Machiavellian Man Essays - Characters In Macbeth Macbeth As A Machiavellian Man Macbeth was a Machiavellian man. He committed many devilish crimes and he bribed men to do his murderous schemes. He used the power he had against other men to get what he wanted. Macbeth wanted to rule Scotland and when he was in command, if he was worried about someone or something, he made sure everything was taken care of to keep his mind at rest. He had regrets when he killed Duncan, but none of his sins evaded his mind, and he remained happy during the time he reigned as king. The only thing that he absolutely feared was Macduff and his own death. Macbeth used two men to accomplish his sin of killing Banquo and Fleance. Macbeth wanted Banquo and Fleance dead because Macbeth did not want any of Banquos descendants to acquire his position after he died. To turn the men against Banquo, Macbeth said that it was all Banquos fault that they were poor and did not have anything else to live for. That it was he in the times past, which held you/ So under fortune. (3.1.117-118) Macbeth keeps telling them how mean, selfish and heartless Banquo was. He made the men believe that Banquo was their rival. Both of you/ Know Banquo was your enemy. (3.1.131-132) Macbeth asks the men if they forgive Banquo for what he has done, to test their loyalty towards Banquo. To pray for this good man and for his issue,/ Whose heavy hand hath bowed you to the grave. (3.1.99-100) Macbeth can divert the mind of a person with his performance. Macbeth wanted to rule Scotland and if anything got in his way, he was sure to get rid of it, no matter what it took. When Duncan was king, Macbeth killed him to acquire his reign. When Banquo suspected Macbeth of killing the king, Macbeth was worried that Banquo might find who really killed Duncan. Macbeth hired two men to kill Banquo. Macbeth also killed the family of Macduff because Macbeth was scared of him. The castle Macduff I will surprise/ Seize upon Fife, give to th edge o th sword (4.1.171-172) Macduff was his opponent. Macbeth knew Macduff could kill him in an instant. Macbeth had his regrets after he killed King Duncan. When he killed Banquo, his ghost haunted his conscience by making Macbeth regret killing his human form. At the time that Macbeth killed Macduffs family, Macbeth had no regrets what so ever. Macbeth never though twice about the killings, because Macduff was unfaithful to his king. After Macbeth killed Duncan, Macbeth wished he had not murdered him. To know my deed twere best not know myself./ Wake Duncan with thy knocking. (2.3.93-94) Once Macbeth was accustomed with murdering people, he did not have any regrets. There were only two things that really made Macbeth worry and made him scared, those being his own death and Macduff himself. Macbeth was terrified of dying for he wished to be King of Scotland forever. One other reason why he was afraid of his death was that the witches predicted that Banquos descendants would become king, and the line of kings would be long. Macbeth believed that he would live forever he trusted the witches which also told him that he would never be harmed until Birnam Wood climbed Dunsinane Hill and only a person who was not born from a woman could kill him. The reason that Macbeth was afraid of Macduff was because Macbeth knew that he was the real person who killed the king. Also, Macduff was gone to England to get the British army to fight Macbeth. Macbeth was scared of Macduff because he was able and strong enough to kill him and everyone was on the side of Macduff, since no one agreed with Macbeths ways anymore. Finally, Macbeth was very cruel and mean. He was an evil man who could go to any length to be in control. He used men to work, accomplishing his schemes, and was scared of nothing but death and his opponent. He did not have any regrets. Macbeth was very machiavelinious. He had all the characteristics of a Machavellian man. He was undoubtfully the man with the

Monday, October 21, 2019

Purpose of a Literature Review - Paperell

Purpose of a Literature Review Purpose of a Literature Review How to approach such an assignment? Many students get frustrated or confused by it. However, if you have a clear idea of this assignment’s goals, you should avoid this frustration and cope with the task efficiently.What is a lit review itself? It is a close study of primary texts, scholarly articles, or any other sources relevant to a particular area of research. The student’s task is to describe, summarize, and critically evaluate the works concerning the research problem being investigated. Literature reviews have two main purposes. They are meant to give an overview of sources explored while doing your research and to show your reader how that research fits within the broader field of study. A student may often come across a literature review when preparing his dissertation.This is not a simple task. That is why many students prefer to turn for help to a specialized literature review writing service, but after reading this article, you should get an idea of what the purpose of a literature review is and will be able to cope with this task on your own!Literature Review PurposeIn academic writing, new ideas you present have to be based on an assessment of some significant previously published information on the topic. You must assess both: recent and contemporary to the writer. To start with, your paper has to provide your readers with a summary of prior ideas, areas, and information on that topic. This is done to give them an insight into your work.After that, your task is to critically evaluate the research relating to that topic and develop your perspective on the research in that field to affirm your credibility as a scholar.You can use these steps to approach a literary review:Explore how each previously published work has contributed to an overall understanding of the research problem under studyIdentify new interpretations of prior studiesDescribe how those works relate to each otherAttempt to resolve any conflicts among differing approach es of previous researchersExplore any possible gaps that require further research.Key aspectsIn your paper, you need to explore the opinions of experts on the topic. However, you must expand on and disagree with some of them.As is the case with any academic writing task, this one has to have a good structure, and your ideas must have a logical flow from one point to the next one. What else do you have to do? Above all, you must prove your credibility to the reader:Only reference material that you have decided is essential, current and relevant to your argumentWhat are your audience’s expectations? You need to establish your authority to speak on the topic by paying close attention to that. What is the rhetorical purpose and genre of the document? What are the academic standards of your discipline?Cite materials as per your discipline’s requirements – always ask yourself: what is the contribution of each citation to your argument, what does it help you achieve.Pr esent viewpoints and terminology impartially and comprehensively. Do not rely too heavily on outside material use it to develop your ideas because a simple list of external sources is not a correctly formed literature review.AudienceNow, when you understand how to write a literature review and what the purpose of a lit review is, there is one more useful tip to keep in minds – whenever you are writing, you always need to consider your audience and the format they expect. Is your audience an experienced reader? Are they experts on your topic, or new to the material? Perhaps you may need to explain the basic theories and definitions so that the audience can assess the merits of the problem you are investigating?How to approach it? Think of it as if you need to take your readers by the hand and guide them at first, so they can understand the rest of the paper without your help. At the end of the review, the reader should feel like he has learned something new about the topic. T hat means that your argument has shown a new perspective. It is important that your ideas are the center of writing. You only use referenced work to support your thinking and prove it is relevant and essential to the subject.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Self Evaluation and Management

Self Evaluation and Management Self evaluation and personal management have become some of the important components that assist to develop self esteem, identify performance abilities and establish better relationship with other people. Studies indicate that self evaluation goes beyond the view an individual has himself or herself to a continuous and constant determination of progress and personal growth.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Self Evaluation and Management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Cals and Smircich (1999, p.650) argue that self evaluation can be lowered or enhanced by the behaviour of an individual who is psychologically close. Their argument advances the view that that happiness and self actualization are found in feeling being loved by others and by experiencing the sense of approval from the people around us. As this paper analyses, self evaluation and personal management are vital for building personal relationship with other s and for coexisting with others in the society. It is on this front that this paper succinctly analyses the concepts of self evaluation and management, and how they impact on relationships and the society. This paper takes a critical analysis on self examination in order for an individual to best understand her/himself with regard to relating and managing other people around us. The paper thus outlines critical self reflexivity, its importance, and the held assumptions between an individual and those around. It also looks into the organizational values and the presumed values and personality traits that develop between an individual and an organization. It asserts the importance of an organization and person fit as well as slightly looking at the relationship between and individual and the environment. The managers of organizations should demonstrate more ethical traits and humanity as they go about managing others since the interest of the led is equally very important. This paper employs the approach of self reflexivity which makes it possible foe an individual to develop sensitivity and pay attention to the views of others. A self reflective person listens to an inner voice from the people who speak through his mind and he / she critically puts self into the shoes of others thus being able to feel for their needs and act appropriately. Abraham Tesser advances in his self-evaluation maintenance theory that relationship with other people plays a pivotal role of influencing individual to carry out self-evaluation (Caproni Arias 1997, p. 294). He posits that many individuals feel are more careful when relating with friends than with people they do not know.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Personal relationship with others of blood relation, members of our communities or friends involves sharing different values, principles, beliefs, practice s, aspirations and actions. These impacts on personal behaviour and the perceptions, opinions and views individuals hold on other people. There must be peaceful coexistence in order for one to relate well with others and even assume a position of control over others in the society. Therefore this matter requires full knowledge of self image and understanding of the needs of the people around us, and how our decisions and actions. herefore an individual should develop knowledge on critical reflexivity which is an objective humanistic multidisciplinary understanding of actions, decisions and thoughts with regard to those around us. To be critically reflective means that one is able to posses objective understanding of reality as a basis of thinking more critically about the impact of our assumptions, values and actions on others (Gergen 1994, p. 237). However, it is possible to have self reflexivity in order to be able to manage the people around us and our organizations because as we think critically on our values and behaviour, we are able to understand the effects of these behaviours on others therefore we can develop more ethical attributes for handling others (Caproni Arias 1997, p. 294). The major aim of self reflexivity is not just to enable the managers develop good and effective managerial skills but it is also to help them become moral practitioners and critical thinkers. Management Managers are role models in the society and therefore influence people in the societies through their actions positively or negatively. Studies indicate that managers face a lot of myriad issues and quite often locked in the quagmires of accelerating controversies such as politicised working environments (Cunliffe 2001, p. 356). Therefore it is only imperative that the managers be able to develop the critical self reflexivity which provides a remedy and cushioning mechanism. In addition, it is important to note that decisions made by managers only count on condition that t he needs of others are considered and efficiency is prioritised in order to maximise on the gains and achievements of the organizations (Cunliffe, 2004, p.410). Moreover, one most important and rational way of management is to retain the present management traditions and be able to discover the shortcomings of the mentalities and assumptions. This will ensure that managers become less vulnerable in being complacent in the decision making steps they take, and develop bigger perception of the various views and possible opportunities with a view to developing new methods of transforming unnecessary old ways of management (Jurecic 2011, p. 17).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Self Evaluation and Management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In addition, when exhibiting critical self reflexivity, a manager is able to understand self image of existential with aim to become better, acquire the relational understanding of the people around and posses the paraxial consciousness of self such that one is able to draw acceptable norms based on the past and future situations and opportunities (Cunliffe 2001, p. 356). This is a philosophy of motivated practice where all managers and leaders take responsibility of their own organizational achievements and realities. In an attempt to achieve the goals of an organization by any manager or administrator, it is always very important for the manager to fully understand the goals, values, principles, policies and regulations that define the particular organization to its true identity. Thereis need for managers to know which kind of employees they should hire into their organizations as workers, partners or even associates (Morley 2007, p. 3). For instance, a student may not be admitted to a given college or university if she or he is not qualified to join such a learning institution. Furthermore, a student may as well not be admitted to read a course in a faculty w here she or he does not have the prerequisite studies for the entry. This is important because both the organization and the individual should profess certain degree of values and understandings based on a common purpose in order to create and achieve a smoothly running system and avoid unnecessary challenges while maximising on achievements (Morely, 2007, p.112). To sum up, the discussion has shown that people should relate closely and coexist with each other calmly since they share values, behaviour and inspirations developed from mutual interaction. This plays an important role in self evaluation and personal management. Besides, managers should not only look at a person and his or her past in terms of environment and experience but should also look at the extra role and interest of the person they would wish to recruit into their organization. References Cals, M., Smircich, L. 1999. Past postmodernism? Reflections and tentative directions. Academy of Management Review, 24(4), 6 49-671. Caproni, P. J., Arias, M. E. 1997. Managerial skills training from a critical perspective. Journal of Management Education, 21(3), 292-309.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Cunliffe, A. L. 2001. Managers as practical authors: Reconstructing our understanding of management practice. Journal of Management Studies, 38(3), 351-371. Cunliffe, A. L. 2004. On Becoming a Critically Reflexive Practitioner. Journal of Management Education. 28(4):407-426. Gergen, K. J. 1994. Realities and relationships. Boston: Harvard University Press. Morely, M.J. 2007. Person Organisation Fit, Journal of Managerial  Psychology 22(2): 109-117.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 28

Case Study - Essay Example 3. The amount deducted each year towards depreciation on the machine is the income source from which the cost of lease is recovered. Therefore, the term of lease is equal to the period in which the value of the machine becomes zero. Minimum lease payment made on each due date is inclusive of principal as well as interest. Interest, is calculated, with respect to the diminishing balance of debt, at the same fixed rate as that at which minimum lease payment was discounted. Expenditure incurred under such costs as insurance, maintenance and taxes is shown under appropriate head in accrual or deferral accounts. In the balance sheet, the asset figures as a fixed asset with a title like ‘Leased Equipment under Capital Lease’. An equivalent liability, by way of the amount paid towards lease, is projected with a title like ‘Lease Liability’. Amount paid on the principal in the following year falls under the current part of the liability and the rest under the non-current part. 4. The present value of liability should eventually equal the aggregate of minimum lease payments projected by the lessee in the balance sheets during the following five (or less as the case may be) financial years from the time the lease agreement is enforced. 1. For Breton, the lessor, the lease arrangement is of direct financing nature. In the transaction, there is no mention of any such thing as dealer’s profit or manufacturer’s profit. Discounted present value of minimum lease payment is more than 90 per cent of the asset value at the time of commencement of lease. No problems are predicted in connection with the collectability of minimum lease payments. Nor are there any dead costs deemed to have to be borne by the lessor. 2. It is mandatory for Breton, the lessor, to document a ‘Lease Receivable’. The present value of minimum lease payments as well as the present

Friday, October 18, 2019

Italo calvino and Artist Thomas hirschorn both indicate an interest in Essay

Italo calvino and Artist Thomas hirschorn both indicate an interest in open systems.Compare and account of this shared interest - Essay Example For example there are the so-called "time-based media" of film, performance, dance and theatre which demand a particular kind of investment from the viewer, both in concentration and in the amount of time that is needed to experience them. However, as one study showed, the average amount of time that a viewer spends in front of a painting is about four seconds. Can this brief exposure to the work of art be compared to, for example the four hours that it takes to view The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Also, different kinds of Art involve contrasting investments of time from the artist. Thus a painting is an essentially solitary creation that may take many hours, days or even months to complete - all for that four seconds viewing time. The artist in this case is distilling a particular experience of vision of the world into a picture that will only be seen for a few seconds. Paintings outside of museums will obviously be seen by their owners more often than this four seconds, but an image on wall becomes a part of their life, floating in and out of perception as the person goes about their life from day to day. Such a painting is constant work of art within the context of the viewer as compared to the temporary work found in the museum painting or even the longest film. One major question is whether the discrepancies of our experiences of time can be put down solely to the shortcomings of perception or whether it is the common, but incorrect, assumption that time is measurable that is the source of the confusion. Thomas Hirschhorn has been a leader in exploring the relationship between time, perception and space within the work of art. Within the group of artists called Grapus he was concerned with politics and culture, displaying what were essentially impromptu posters, paintings and collages on the streets using both the form and language of advertising. This was Art that was not tied to a particular place, and thus which did not demand to be "looked at" in the way that a traditional painting is. His early works could (and often were) seen by people who were just casually walking down the street, not expecting to indulge in the heightened expectations of Art. This was art as a commonplace part of the environment, designed to take it away from the rarefied atmosphere of the art gallery or museum. Leaving Grapus he moved to the hyper-saturated installations that he is known for today. These use a variety of common materials such as cardboard, duct tape, foil and plastic wrap. The use of common materials within art is hardly unique to Hirschhorn of course, but he manner in which he places his works of art outside of the gallery, making them site-specific implies a kind of double removal from the normal "time" and "place" of art. These works of art are thus open systems that are limited by neither time nor space. He has commented upon his work in the following manner: I do not want to invite or oblige viewers to become interactive with what I do; I do not want to activate the public. I want to give of myself to such a degree that viewers confronted with the work can take part and become involved, but not as actors. (Buchloh, 2004) He has also stated his

Assessment of Global Business Environment Essay

Assessment of Global Business Environment - Essay Example The ways in which individuals and companies interact with one another have been altered significantly. One of the most noteworthy changes is in the aspect of speed with which people can interact with one another in the modern world. Communication methods have improved vastly over the last century and this has forced business organizations to reframe their means and purposes of communication with their employees, customers and other stakeholders. Advancement in technology has allowed the companies to reduce gaps in communication with their overseas markets. In the present business platform, companies are making efforts to move ahead of their services offered domestically and are striving to enter into new markets, particularly in the developing countries. High rate of technological development has helped participants in the global market to access these technological knowhow at a cheaper rate. Information flows across the geographical boundaries with greater speed and accuracy and rea ches a larger population within a short period of time. Telecommunication technology plays an important role in this context. Globalization has cast a significant impact on the telecommunications industry and is in turn driving further improvements in the telecommunications technology. Changes in telecommunications industry due to globalization The telecommunications industry is changing rapidly under the influence of globalization. New state-of-the art technology and modern innovations have brought significant changes in the international as well as the domestic market of the United Kingdom. These radical changes in the global telecommunications industry are critical to the success of the firm. Several technological and political developments are currently occurring in this industry. The most distinctly recognizable changes are: Figure 1: Impacts of globalization (Source: Author’s creation) Deregulation of the telecommunications sector The telecommunications industry has a l ong history of its journey since 1884. With the ground breaking invention of telephone by Alexander Graham Bell in 1884, the telephone came into existence. However, it has come into common use several decades after this invention. The telecommunications industry gained a worldwide importance in the first three decades of the twentieth century. By the 1930s, this industry became stable and the telecommunication service providers became an important aspect for the international trade and commerce as well as for the defence sector. During this period the telecommunication sector was under the regulation of the national governments. However, as a result of globalization, liberalization policies were sweeping across the nations and its impact also touched the telecommunication industry (Bartle, 2005). In the mid 1950s, the United States of America (USA) first deregulated its telecommunications market. This set the example for the other countries to follow this path. Following the USA, co untries in the Europe also began to deregulate the telecommunica

Generating electricity Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Generating electricity - Assignment Example Most of the energy is generated in large power stations located too far from where the energy is in use. Therefore, they rely on the importation of energy so as to meet the increasing demand. Electricity is imported from New Zealand, which is characterized by a series of generation plants, and transported to the region through the national grid (David 2002). Natural gas from Taranaki is piped via a series of underground gas pipes and lines, whereas, petrol and aviation fuel produced at Marsden Point Refinery is conveyed to the county via a single pipe. Auckland portrays strong energy demand since the war characterized by high costs of transportation of fuel, increasing reliance on imported energy and low resilience towards altering energy supplies. The council has recognized that Auckland’s continued dependence on imported energy and the lengthy supply chains will pose risks to the future energy security of the country. Therefore, they must appropriately manage their energy so urces by ensuring proper land use decisions are made on the understanding of the current peak oil demand, and the perception of the climate change. Implications of Erecting Additional Transmission Lines The need to invest in the national grid For Auckland wellbeing and continuous economic performance, a secure energy source and supply is required. All the families and business in the region rely on the existence of a dependable energy supply in the form of electricity, gas or in other form. There is a high likelihood of Auckland’s demand for energy to rise in the future. Therefore, Transpower has to ensure that there are sufficient energy sources to meet the rising demand. Security of energy supply in Auckland has raised significant economic issues. There have been various challenges that have raised concern, for example, in 2006 extreme weather conditions lead to a failure at Otahuhu substation disrupting power supply to a large part of Auckland (Ray 2012). The majority of t he Auckland community needs the continuous supply of electricity. It is not only the residential and commercial markets that depend on electricity but also the entire activities of the country. The community’s public utility base or infrastructure relies on the uninterrupted supply of electricity. Other parts like water and waste treatment, schools, hospitals and ports heavily depend on electricity for efficient operation of their activities. Without electricity, the security and safety, health and environmental conditions are adversely compromised. Cost and funding implications Any project designed or implemented will experience and, therefore, meet some costs during the process, which will demand internal and external funding to complete the project as desired and fulfill all specifications and requirement expected. The choosing of a funding system will significantly affect the individual and state contribution to the share of the financial report. Although these effects ma y be negative, they also show the outcome levels achieved by the system, who receives formal support and the level of support given or received. Funding can be tendered by either private or public or both at the same time. Each system is always affected by both political and economical judgments (Sowell 2011). In choosing a funding system, the first criterion is to assess the performance of available

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Movie Review of Requiem for a Dream Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Movie Review of Requiem for a Dream - Essay Example Hence, what really disturbs the viewer is the strong graphic representation of the painful and miserable conditions that addictions can lead human beings to. All the four characters in the movie, i.e. Sara Goldfarb, her son Harry, Harry’s girlfriend Marion and his friend Tyrone, are shown addicted to drugs. Although Sara’s addiction to drugs begins later in the movie, she is shown addicted to the idea of being on a television show. She is so obsessed with the idea of being on TV that her whole life revolves around it. She spends most of her time watching the TV show, and fantasizing about being on that show. Her obsession with the dream becomes so strong that when she gets a call to tell her that she is chosen to be invited on the show, she starts taking pills to reduce weight in order to fit in her favorite red dress, that she plans to wear on show. She gets addicted to the weight loss amphetamine pills and becomes delusional and psychotic. Through the character of Sar a, the movie has sent a message that addictions are not only related to drugs but are also related to media, weight and looks. The movie has also dealt with the idea of how addiction can lead human beings towards psychiatric problem, crime, aggression and sex. For example, Harry thinks that he will get out of bad life of addiction and illegal drug trade once he makes enough money to start a business with Marion. However, when things do not go as planned, he convinces Marion to have sex with her psychiatrist in exchange of money. This brings a rift in their relationship and from this point on, things start going out of control and their dream start falling apart by blows from the ‘reality’. In this way, the movie represents the menace of drug addiction and how it makes the characters desperately enslaved to the addiction. However, the real theme of the movie is the true cause of the addiction, which lies in the lack of bonding and love in the family. Theme The underlying theme of the movie is lack of bonding between parents and children. Sara and her son Harry are shown getting emotionally distant from each other after death of Sara’s husband. Sara protects her son Harry even when she knows that he makes money by selling the TV set that he steals from home. This shows the helplessness of a mother. The fear of losing him and his love keeps her from confronting him. She is forced to find a companion in a TV set. She believes that her involvement in weight reduction to fit in a red dress that she wore on Harry’s graduation, has renewed her interest in otherwise miserable and empty life. Harry is also shown losing his girlfriend Marion, to addiction. The dependence on drugs and the sexual favors for money makes Marion feel miserable and filthy. Tyrone is shown missing his mother and dreaming of making her proud one day. However, his dream never becomes a reality as his involvement in drug trade lands him in prison. Lack of love and family makes Tyrone more addicted and enslaved to drugs. In this way, every character thinks that once they get what they dream, they will leave the drugs. However, they fail to realize that it is the drugs that are driving them to desire the delusional world, and the addiction will never let them get out of the vicious cycle of ‘just one more time,’ which is a common habit of addicts. The picture of despair, misery and helplessness of the characters in the

TATE & LYLE International Business Strategy Essay

TATE & LYLE International Business Strategy - Essay Example Over the years the company has become a multinational with acquisitions and alliances with similar agri-businesses, for example, from the USA, Canada, Belgium, and Australia. However, by the year 2000 Tate & Lyle began divesting itself of some of these acquisitions in a strategic move resulting from an unexpected reduction of profits. Tate & Lyle is increasingly diversifying into the manufacture of food additives and bio-materials like Sucralose and again beginning to reclaim its international expansion and globalization strategy (Case Study, Tate & Lyle.doc). More recent initiatives include ‘A joint venture with Du Pont to manufacture a renewable 1,3-Propanediol that can be used to make Sorona (a substitute for nylon)’ and the acquisition of ‘†¦ a small Dutch company called Hycail †¦ to manufacture PLA (polylactic acid)’ ( While profits from sugar refining would be affected by price fluctuations of raw sugar cane in world markets, natural disasters, and currency exchange problems, the food additive side of the company is very much a value-added business and lends itself to a more stable regime in terms of profits. It is also an expanding market and unlike sugar where the market is saturated, open to competition for greater market share. T & Ls expressed new strategic vision is to develop ‘†¦ partnerships to create the world’s leading renewable ingredients business’ and to ‘... build a consistent portfolio of distinctive, profitable, high-value driven solutions in products and services for our customers’ ( ). T & L’s former (not very successful) globalization strategy appears to have been designed following a top-down model of the classical business development type. This is formulated in the form of a pyramid with vision at the top followed by mission, goals, strategies, tactics and action plans below.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Generating electricity Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Generating electricity - Assignment Example Most of the energy is generated in large power stations located too far from where the energy is in use. Therefore, they rely on the importation of energy so as to meet the increasing demand. Electricity is imported from New Zealand, which is characterized by a series of generation plants, and transported to the region through the national grid (David 2002). Natural gas from Taranaki is piped via a series of underground gas pipes and lines, whereas, petrol and aviation fuel produced at Marsden Point Refinery is conveyed to the county via a single pipe. Auckland portrays strong energy demand since the war characterized by high costs of transportation of fuel, increasing reliance on imported energy and low resilience towards altering energy supplies. The council has recognized that Auckland’s continued dependence on imported energy and the lengthy supply chains will pose risks to the future energy security of the country. Therefore, they must appropriately manage their energy so urces by ensuring proper land use decisions are made on the understanding of the current peak oil demand, and the perception of the climate change. Implications of Erecting Additional Transmission Lines The need to invest in the national grid For Auckland wellbeing and continuous economic performance, a secure energy source and supply is required. All the families and business in the region rely on the existence of a dependable energy supply in the form of electricity, gas or in other form. There is a high likelihood of Auckland’s demand for energy to rise in the future. Therefore, Transpower has to ensure that there are sufficient energy sources to meet the rising demand. Security of energy supply in Auckland has raised significant economic issues. There have been various challenges that have raised concern, for example, in 2006 extreme weather conditions lead to a failure at Otahuhu substation disrupting power supply to a large part of Auckland (Ray 2012). The majority of t he Auckland community needs the continuous supply of electricity. It is not only the residential and commercial markets that depend on electricity but also the entire activities of the country. The community’s public utility base or infrastructure relies on the uninterrupted supply of electricity. Other parts like water and waste treatment, schools, hospitals and ports heavily depend on electricity for efficient operation of their activities. Without electricity, the security and safety, health and environmental conditions are adversely compromised. Cost and funding implications Any project designed or implemented will experience and, therefore, meet some costs during the process, which will demand internal and external funding to complete the project as desired and fulfill all specifications and requirement expected. The choosing of a funding system will significantly affect the individual and state contribution to the share of the financial report. Although these effects ma y be negative, they also show the outcome levels achieved by the system, who receives formal support and the level of support given or received. Funding can be tendered by either private or public or both at the same time. Each system is always affected by both political and economical judgments (Sowell 2011). In choosing a funding system, the first criterion is to assess the performance of available

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

TATE & LYLE International Business Strategy Essay

TATE & LYLE International Business Strategy - Essay Example Over the years the company has become a multinational with acquisitions and alliances with similar agri-businesses, for example, from the USA, Canada, Belgium, and Australia. However, by the year 2000 Tate & Lyle began divesting itself of some of these acquisitions in a strategic move resulting from an unexpected reduction of profits. Tate & Lyle is increasingly diversifying into the manufacture of food additives and bio-materials like Sucralose and again beginning to reclaim its international expansion and globalization strategy (Case Study, Tate & Lyle.doc). More recent initiatives include ‘A joint venture with Du Pont to manufacture a renewable 1,3-Propanediol that can be used to make Sorona (a substitute for nylon)’ and the acquisition of ‘†¦ a small Dutch company called Hycail †¦ to manufacture PLA (polylactic acid)’ ( While profits from sugar refining would be affected by price fluctuations of raw sugar cane in world markets, natural disasters, and currency exchange problems, the food additive side of the company is very much a value-added business and lends itself to a more stable regime in terms of profits. It is also an expanding market and unlike sugar where the market is saturated, open to competition for greater market share. T & Ls expressed new strategic vision is to develop ‘†¦ partnerships to create the world’s leading renewable ingredients business’ and to ‘... build a consistent portfolio of distinctive, profitable, high-value driven solutions in products and services for our customers’ ( ). T & L’s former (not very successful) globalization strategy appears to have been designed following a top-down model of the classical business development type. This is formulated in the form of a pyramid with vision at the top followed by mission, goals, strategies, tactics and action plans below.

The Hidden Role of Chance in Life and in the Markets Essay Example for Free

The Hidden Role of Chance in Life and in the Markets Essay Fooled by Randomness The Hidden Role of Chance in Life and in the Markets is a kaleidoscopic assessment of the human mind which is observed in the environment of Wall street and other trading markets across the world. What is observed by the reader’s point of view, changes with time, if it is viewed by turning the lens. However, outlook of the reader will also decide a number of issues that are raised in this book. Looking from one direction, the book takes notice of the various unlimited borders that have been created by mass media and its noise. Mr. Nassim Taleb tries to stress upon the fact that the common man lacks sufficient knowledge about the simple issues of probability and statistics. For example, take a steam engine. If one sees a steam engine for the first time, he may not know what is the functioning of the engine, but after a while of careful examination, one can surely get a rough idea of its working and can also predict the behavior pattern. That is one can predict the â€Å"future behavior pattern† after closely analyzing a shorter period of behavior. The example given here is compared to the life in general. There is a lot of un-expectancy in the lives of people and similarly in the stock markets. These trading markets possess a huge factor of randomness that are based upon the complex stochastic issues, and not to forget regular bouncy and spiteful surprises. The behavioral pattern of the stock markets during short time spans is not so significant and is appropriately termed as â€Å"noise† by the author. The method of extrapolating values here in this regard seems to be impossible. Yet people more often do that. They try to sketch patterns where they â€Å"do no â€Å" exist and misinterpret the function of unpredictability, search for rationalization for the occasion of probability and strongly believe that they best know about the future. And this is what is stressed in this book. The author of the book, Nassim Nicholas Taleb is a stock market player and is a expert doubter. He proclaims that mathematics is still adolescent and cannot completely explain the science of probability in the stock market. The author however is clever to understand to give adequate weight-age to the possibility of random occurrences, and their irrelevance at some occasions. He evidently observes that his consideration towards the importance of randomness has more value than the mathematical calculations. Mathematics is principally a tool to meditate, rather than to compute. He has been a witness to countless agents and traders who have been hit hardly, â€Å"blown up† in the charming phenomenon of the trade. Very often he has observed great flourishing careers brought to an end with some unanticipated market crumbling. On such occasions, people say, I had never forecasted that, miserably shaking their heads as they leave the market place. Yes, this is what the author wants to convey with his book these people have been â€Å"fooled by randomness† of the market behavior. There are many ways of getting fooled by the behavior of randomness. The most common and detrimental is to fail to predict the probability of rare occurrences. The author expresses his thought that nothing else is more certain than the occurrence of the unexpected event that is bound to occur sooner or later in future. People often sleep calmly between safe periods, and forget that the unexpected is about to come any time. Another is to see significance in some random pattern. Taleb explains with crystal clarity why the more often you look at some fluctuating quantity (the value of your share portfolio, for example), the less meaning your observations have. Yet he sees traders who watch prices move up and down in real time on screen the changes are so small as to be completely random and think they are learning something. Another issue which is more subtle yet more dangerous, is the survivorship bias: in a haphazard population, some matters will be more observable than others. Suppose for example, a trader who works on strategies that do no better than random behavior of the market, he will face fifty fifty chances of success and failure every year. Of course, it has never come to his mind, that his success is also random, however his innocent mind believes that his success was due to his superior strategies and not market randomness! The author’s view on randomness and his examples are not limited only to trade market. In reality, randomness and behavioral fluctuations occur in every field. The effect of these â€Å"random nesses† can also be overblown by a optimistic response loop, which he calls as bipolarity. For example, a job seeker does accidently well in an interview (although he is not capable, yet it is randomness) and as a result gets better results and more popularity than others who are much more skilled. Actually, human mind is structured to view patterns, to reason the cause of occurrences, and to firmly believe in those reasons and rationales. The main aspect of Talebs book is that the author is very well aware of this behavioral science of the human mind. He knows nothing he says can dismiss the false impression fashioned by unpredictability or randomness and that he is as vulnerable to the unpredictability or randomness as any other common man. Further he stresses that his only benefit is that he is at least conscious of the weak spot, and often tries to play in order to prevent himself from these situations. For example, he very often tries to ignore any form of â€Å"hot news† or any scrap information. The books short but excellent final section deals with this Zen-like problem of trying to break oneself out of a mould of thinking that cannot be broken, even though one recognizes its shortcomings. The main characteristic of the book Fooled by Randomness is that the author is very close observing a true picture of the markets with the eye of a successful trader as well as being a insider guide to non belief. True traders, I believe, dress sloppily, are often ugly and exhibit the intellectual curiosity of someone who would be more interested in the information-revealing contents of the garbage can than the Cezanne painting on the wall. (Taleb). The author does not avoid any situation of the market in his book. His examples are crunchy and repeatedly atrocious. His aggression on an assortment of features of the monetary firmament, are hurtful and luminously argued. Many people who read his book can find him exasperating and annoying. The book is a small review on the how to trade in complex situations and to closely understand the random behavior of trade markets. However, there are instances where the book is leaving some unanswered queries in the mind of the reader. The author demonstrates a contemptuous and scornful disapproval for investment managers who want to make a fortune for themselves by selling their track records. Well, later in the book, Taleb mentions that he also wants to be hedge fund manager! Can he do that without showing off his own track record with the customers? Will he take privilege of the random events that occurred to him and gave him a successful track record? Since Mr. Taleb’s elementary statement on the subject of the character of the Market theory is mistaken on some occasions, his evaluation of the neighboring reflections leads to a wrongful evaluation of human behavior and market features. At times, the reader might feel that the author is oscillating between an illogical estimation of the practical world of money market and his own emotional responses to the every day events of life. At the same time, Taleb also believes his unfinished examination and erroneously pays no attention to the quantifiable collision of various factors within the existing financial economics. This is why by the end of his book Mr. Taleb ends up not just tricked by the phenomenon randomness but to a certain extent maltreated by it. REFERENCE 1. Fooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in Life and in the Markets, by Nassim Nicholas Taleb