Friday, August 2, 2019

Weimar Republic Recovery Under Gustar Stressmann :: essays research papers

Gustav stresemann was chancellor and latter became foreign minister. When hyperinflation was sorted out stressmann tried to improve relations between Germany and the rest of the world but especially Britain France and the U.S.A. to avoid another financial collapse in the future all the old currency was called in and replaced by a new one the rentenmark America lent Germany 800 gold million marks to help pay for reparations and improve the standard of living of the German people this was called the dawes plan, a reasonable schedule was worked for reparations repayments to be paid over the years, even the French agreed this was acceptable. As a result of this French troops were gradually withdrawn from the Ruhr and the German industry began to recover as did the rest of the world’s economy. The republic certainly seemed to be recovering Germany hadn’t been in a more stable situation since 1919 but this resulted in a decline in support for extremist parties such as the communists and national socialists. The moderate social democrats, on the other hand, increased their support after 1924 everything seemed fine gustav had done a good job the Weimar republic were safe so it seemed. Around the 1923 there were still a few problems as Germany became dependent on the U.S.A’s lone’s but it didn’t matter at the time because Germany were experiencing the boom years everything seem brilliant. In 1929 there was a reduction in reparation under the young plan which reduced the figure by 75 %, but the depression finished off the plan before it got started. Gustav’s biggest success were that he built up a good relationship with aristide briand of France which later on led to the signing of the locarno pact in 1925 this was signed at loacrno in Switzerland. It was a group of treaties which aimed to tidy up arguments left over from the First World War. In the treaty that agreed to many different things such as, Germany promised always to observe its western borders with France and Belgium .Britain and Italy guaranteed these borders, Germany also signed treaties with Poland and Czechoslovakia, promising to use only peaceful means to alter those borders.

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